Publications by year
Implementation Agendas: Compare-and-Contrast Transport Biofuels Policies
Assessment of successes and lessons learned for biofuels deployment:
WP2 report: Meta-analysis on existing studies
WP3 report: Case studies technologies
WP4 report: Sustainable biomass supply chains for international markets
WP5 report: Synopsis of the project / synthesis of key issues
Drop-in Biofuels- The key role that co-processing will play in its production- Full Report
Biofuels LCA models comparison- Summary Draft- July 2019
Task 39 Drop-in Biofuels- Executive Summary- February 2019
Task 39, CTBE biofuels LCA comparison Final Report (Phase 2 Part 1)- February 2019
Potential synergies of drop‐in biofuel production with further co‐processing at oil refineries
Report from AMF Annex 52: Fuels for Efficiency (including contribution from Bioenergy Task 39)
Comparison of Biofuel Life Cycle Assessment Tools- Conventional Ethanol
Biofuels in Marine Shipping (2017)
Bioenergy role in balancing the electricity grid and providing storage options (A report by Task 41)
State of Technology Review – Algae (2017) (A summary published in Algal Research can be accessed here)
2014 and earlier
The potential and challenges of drop-in biofuels (2014)
Report on the activities of the various Tasks in IEA Bioenergy for the period 2010-2012
Advanced Biofuels – GHG Emissions and Energy Balances (2012)
Status of Advanced Biofuels Demonstration Facilities in 2012 Report in Chinese
Fuel and technology alternatives for buses IEA AMF VTT (2012)
Algal Biofuels – Joint Task 39 and AMF Exec Summary (2011)
Biodiesel GHG Emissions: Past, Present and Future (2011)
EA Bioenergy Annual Report (2011)
Bioenergy, Land use and Climate Change Mitigation (2010)
EU Report on Indirect Land Use Change (2010)
Current Status and Potential of Algal Biofuels (2010)
Biodiesel Production Technologies and European Providers (2007)
Publications by topic
Implementation Agendas 2014 (2014)
Update on Implementation Agendas: A review (2009)
Biofuel Implementation Agendas: A review (2007)
Potential impacts of bioenergy policy: suggestions for N-S linkages (2008)
Biofuels in the European Union: An overview on the EU biofuels policy (2007)
Worldwide fuels standards: Overview of specifications and regulations (2006)
Ethanol from lignocellulosics: Policy options to support production (2005)
Bioenergy, Land use and Climate Change Mitigation (2010)
EU Report on Indirect Land Use Change (2010)
Backgrounder: Overview of sustainability criteria (2010)
Sustainable Production of 2nd gen biofuels (2010)
Sustainability Reporting on Germany’s Biodiesel Sector (2010)
Potential for Improving Carbon/Energy Balance of Bioethanol (2009)
Sustainability relevance & impacts: Case studies through Task 39 (2008)
Case Studies
Overview / Synthesis
Task 39 Business Meeting, Bioenergy Australia, NZ Study Trip (2011, in German)
Status of 2nd Gen Demonstration Facilities (2010)
Bioenergy: A sustainable and reliable energy source (2009)
From 1st to 2nd Gen Biofuel Technologies (2008)
Biofuels: Part of a Sustainable Future? (2008)
Status and outlook for biofuels (2008)
R&D and Gaps/Market Barriers
Current status and potential of algal biofuels production (2010)
Analysis and identification of gaps in research of 2nd gen fuels (2008)
2nd Gen biofuels: A review from a market barrier perspective (2006)
Biodiesel market development in Europe: Lessons learned for N.A. (2005)
Ethanol from lignocellulosics: Views to implementation (2004)