Task 39 Country Representatives and ExCo Members: 2022-2024 Triennium

Each member country is represented by a National Team Leader (NTL) with the responsibility of collecting information on activities in their country and disseminating information to interested organisations and persons in their country. Interested observers from the participating countries are encouraged to contact their respective NTL for more information.

Limited Sponsors


Organization Task Representative(s)
US Grains Council Mackenzie Boubin
Linda Schmid


Task Management



Task Representative


Operating Agent(s)

Jonas Lindmark

Renato Godinho

Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil

Task Leader

Tomas Ekbom

Swedish Bioenergy Association, Sweden

Co-Task Leader

Glaucia Mendes Souza

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Task Secretary

Hannah Edgren

Swedish Bioenergy Association, Sweden